Creating Plan Templates

This topic explains how to create Plan Templates.

Important! We strongly recommend that you review the options available for configuring Plan Templates before you attempt to create them. See Reviewing Options for Plans and Plan Templates.

To create a Plan Template:

1. Select Pricing>Plan Templates. The Plan Templates page opens.

2. In the Product drop-down, select the Product for which you want to create the new Plan Template.

3. Select Create Plan Template. The Plan Templates>Create page opens.

Warning: You must create at least one Currency for your Organization before you can create a Plan Template! If you haven't, the Create page will not open and you'll see a warning:

  • Select the Manage currencies hotlink text provided. This takes you directly to the Create page to create the Currency you want to use for the Plan Template. See Creating and Managing Currencies.

  • When you create the new Currency, you are taken directly back to the Plan Template Create page and the Currency is selected.

4. Enter the Plan Template Details:

  • Name. A descriptive name.

  • Code. Unique identifier for the Plan Template. (Optional)

    • Note that when you've entered a Name for the Plan Template, if you click in the Code field, a Code is automatically entered based on the Name you've used. You can then edit the auto-generated Code value or remove it as required.

  • Currency. Use the drop-down list to select the Currency. For example, select US Dollar.

  • Bill frequency. For example, select Monthly.

  • Bill Interval. For example, select 1 for a bill each month:

5. Enter your Standing Charge settings:

  • Standing charge. For example, enter 25.

  • Standing charge billing. If you want to override the organization-wide setting for billing either in arrears or in advance, select the setting you want for the Plan Template. Default is Use organization-wide configuration.

  • Standing charge interval. For example, enter 1 for the Standing charge to be applied to each Bill.

  • Standing charge offset. For example, enter 0 to make the Standing charge be applied from the first Bill.

  • Standing charge description. Enter a custom description, which will appear in the bill line item:

Tip: Default Standing Charge Description? If you omit a custom description, then a default Standing Charge description will be shown for Bill line items- see Bill Line Items - Default Descriptions for details.

6. Enter your Minimum Spend settings:

  • Product minimum spend. For example, enter 150:

    • At billing, this value imposes a minimum for Product charges against any Account that has a priced Plan based on the Template attached to it. For example, if the total charges for Product usage is 140, then an additional line item for a Product Minimum Spend charge of 10 will be added to the Bill to bring the spend up to the minimum.

    • The check for Product minimum spend does not include any Standing Charge amounts due.

    • When you create a Plan based on the Plan Template, you can override the Product minimum spend.

    • Note that when you price a Plan, you can also define a Minimum Spend for that pricing, which then applies to charges due on an Account at billing under that specific pricing. For example, if you've configured a pricing for a Plan attached to an Account and set a Minimum Spend for that pricing of 140, but the charges due at billing amount only to 120, then a Minimum Spend Adjustment line item will be added to the Bill in the amount of 20. This is independent of any Product Minimum Spend defined for the Plan itself - if, as exampled above, that is set at 150, then a line item for Product Minimum Spend will also appear in the amount of 10 to bring the spend for Product up to the minimum after the minimum for the pricing has been adjusted. See Understanding Billing Options for Plan Templates/Plans for more details.

  • Minimum spend billing. If you want to override the organization-wide setting for billing either in arrears or in advance, deselect the Use organization-wide configuration check box and select the setting you want for the Plan Template.

  • Minimum spend description. Enter a description, which will appear in the bill line item:

Tip: Default Minimum Spend Description? If you omit a custom description, then a default Minimum Spend description will be shown for Bill line items- see Bill Line Items - Default Descriptions for details.

7. Add any required Custom Fields to the Plan Template. For more on Custom Fields, see Adding and Editing Custom Fields.

8. Select Create Plan Template. The Plan Template Details page opens:

9. If you want to edit the Plan Template's details, select the Edit button, make your changes, and click Update.

10. If you want to remove a Plan Template, return to the Plan Templates page and select the Delete button for the Plan Template:

A confirmation popup opens.

11. Select Yes to confirm the delete action.

Next: Creating Plans

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