This topic lists Bill line item types in m3ter and explains what each type means and what each type is used for. The term used in the API response schema is given together with the term used to denote the same type when Bills are viewed in the Console.
API Line Item Type | Console Line Item Type | Used to Show |
STANDING_CHARGE | Standing charge | A fixed amount charge that is billed on a recurring basis. |
USAGE | Usage | Metered consumption amount based on usage (debit). |
USAGE_CREDIT | Usage Credit | Metered consumption amount based on usage (credit). |
MINIMUM_SPEND | Minimum spend | Recurring minimum charge (debit). |
MINIMUM_SPEND_REFUND | Minimum spend adjustment | Used for cases where minimum spend is charged in advance. If advance minimum spend charge is $1000 per billing period and actual usage consumed charge due in a billing period amounts to $800, then $200 is refunded under this line item type. |
CREDIT_MEMO | Credit memo | Referenced or ad hoc credit memo item. |
COMMITMENT_CONSUMED | Prepayment consumed | Prepayment/Commitment draw down amount. |
COMMITMENT_FEE | Prepayment fee | When m3ter bills the prepayment/commitment, this is the charge, either upfront, recurring, or according to a custom schedule. |
OVERAGE_SURCHARGE | Overage surcharge | For Prepayments/Commitments when using overage surcharge percentage. |
OVERAGE_USAGE | Overage usage | For Prepayments/Commitments where “overage pricing” has been configured on the plan. |
BALANCE_CONSUMED | Balance consumed | Balance draw down amount. |
DEBIT_MEMO | Debit memo | Referenced or ad hoc debit memo item. |
CREDIT_DEDUCTION | Credit deduction | Used for amounts deducted from credit amounts. |
MANUAL_ADJUSTMENT | Manual adjustment | References an amount - positive or negative - used to make manual adjustment to Bill. |
COUNTER_RUNNING_TOTAL_CHARGE | Counter running total charge | Recurring charges amount based on running total counter quantity on Account (debit). |
COUNTER_ADJUSTMENT_DEBIT | Counter adjustment debit | Recurring charges amount based on counter adjustment quantity on Account (debit). |
COUNTER_ADJUSTMENT_CREDIT | Counter adjustment credit | Recurring charges amount based on counter adjustment quantity on Account (credit). |
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