Managing Users and Assigning Permission Policies

At Settings>Access in the Console, you can view Users, deactivate and reactivate them, assign permission policies to modify User access to your Organization, edit User profiles, and resend temporary password to Users:

  • Viewing User Details

  • Deactivating and Reactivating Users

  • Assigning Permission Policies to Users

  • Editing User Profile

  • Resending Temporary Password to Users

Viewing User Details

To view Users:

1. Select Settings>Access. The Access page opens with the Users tab selected. Any existing Users in your Organization are listed. For each User listed you can read-off:


  • STATUS - whether the User is currently set as ACTIVE or INACTIVE for your Organization.

  • ACCESS END DATE - the date when the User's access to your Organization will end.

2. Select a User:

The User panel is populated for the selected User.

Tip: Users Missing? When you open the Users page, you should see all the Users you asked m3ter to set up for your Organization and any who you've invited and have accepted your invitation. If any are missing, please contact m3ter Support.

3. To view a User's details, select their NAME hotlink text:

The User Details page opens:

From the User Details panel, you can manage the User's details:

  • Status:

  • Permission Policies:

  • Audit data:

    • Read-off when the User was Created and Last modified.

  • Other details:

    • Read-off the User's unique ID and Copy it directly to your clipboard.

    • Check the User's email address.

4. Scroll down the page. From the User Groups panel, you can add the User to User Groups you've set up for your Organization. See below: Creating and Managing User Groups.

Deactivating and Reactivating Users

To deactivate and reactivate Users:

1. Select Settings>Access. The Access page opens with the Users tab selected. Any existing Users in your Organization are listed.

2. Select the NAME text of the User you want to deactivate or reactivate. The User Details page opens and you can read-off the current Status of the User - either ACTIVE or INACTIVE:

  • If ACTIVE, a red Deactivate User button shows, which you can use to deactivate the User.

  • If INACTIVE, a green Activate User button shows, which you can use to reactivate the User.

3. Use these Deactivate/Reactivate buttons appropriately to control the status of the User.

Warning - Deactivating a User does not remove User! If you deactivate a User, this does not remove them from your Organization - they remain dormant members and can be reactivated. If a deactivated User's details are updated, then other Users in the Organization will be able to view the updated details.

Assigning Permission Policies to Users

Two types of Permission Policy are available for controlling User access to your Organization:

  • Managed. System generated Permission Policies. Two Managed Permission Policies are currently available to assign to your Users, Service Users, or User Groups:

    • Administrator. Read and write permissions. Can submit API calls.

    • ReadOnly. Read permissions only. Cannot submit API calls.

Note: You cannot edit Managed Permission Policies.

  • Custom. Permission Policies you create for your own Organization:

    • You can use the m3ter Permissions framework to create and configure Custom Permission Policies to impose precise levels of access on individual Users and User Groups.

Warning: Working with Permission Policies? Before creating Custom Permission Policies to control Users access to your Organization, we recommend that you review the Understanding, Creating, and Managing Permission Policies topic.

To add and manage Permission Policies for a User:

1. Select Settings>Access. The Access page opens with the Users tab selected. Any existing Users in your Organization are listed.

2. Select the NAME text of the User whose Permission Policies you want to manage. The User Details page opens.

3. If you want add a Policy to the User, under Permission Policies, select Add Permission Policy. The Users page opens.

4. In the Add Permission Policy drop-down list, select the Permission Policy and select the Add Permission Policy. You are returned to the User Details page and the selected Permission Policy shows in the Permission Policies list for the User.

5. If you want to remove a Permission Policy for a User, select Delete:

A confirmation pop-up appears.

6. Select Yes to confirm the Permission Policy deletion.

Editing User Profile

You can edit your User profile at any time to change first and last name.

To edit User profile:

1. Select your User profile at top-right of the Console. A User dialog opens:

2. Select Edit Profile. An Edit Profile dialog opens:

3. Use the First name and Last name fields to make the required changes to your profile.

4. Select Update. The Edit Profile dialog closes and the updates are saved.


  • When you update your User profile, its background color will change automatically - this is normal behavior.

  • If the update fails, you'll receive an error message. For example, if you've selected to Update but the Last name field is blank.

Resending Temporary Password to Users

When a new User account is created for your Organization, they receive a temporary password to use for their first login to the m3ter Console. Temporary passwords are time-bound and expire thirty days after their issue date. If a new User fails to complete a first login by the expiry date, they can contact you - as an Organization Admin User - to issue them with a new temporary password. You can do this from the Access page.

To resend a temporary password to a User:

1. Open the Access page and select the Users tab. Existing Users are listed.

2. Select the User you want to resend a temporary password to. A User Details panel opens at the right-hand side of the page.

  • Note that you can simply click on the row of the User to open the User Details panel and don't have to select the Name hotlink text.

3. On the User panel, select Resend temporary password. A new temporary password is sent to the User.

Warning! Resend temporary password doesn't show? You'll need to have the Admin Managed Permission Policy assigned to you as Organization User to be able to resend temporary passwords to other Users.

Next: Creating and Configuring Service Users

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