Creating Transaction Types

You can create Transaction Types for your Organization. These are then available across your Organization for adding individual Transactions, such as when you want to add Transactions to a Balance on an end customer Account.

To create a Transaction Type for your Organization:

1. Select Settings>Organization. The Organization page opens with the Overview tab selected.

2. Select the Transaction Types tab. Any existing Transaction Types are listed.

3. Select Create Transaction Type. The Create page opens.

4. Under Transaction Type Details, enter a Name and Code.

  • Archived switch? See tip below on this option.

5. Select Create. You are returned to the Transaction Types tab where the new Transaction Type is listed:

In this example, we've created four Transaction Types to use when creating Transactions. These will now be available for creating Transactions across the Organization, for example, when creating Balances on end customer Accounts. See Creating Balances for Accounts.

Tip: A Transaction Type is now obsolete? You can edit a Transaction Type and use the switch to Archive it. If you archive a Transaction Type, it will no longer be available when creating Transactions for Balances.

Next: Adding and Editing Custom Fields

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