Creating Debit Reasons

You can create Debit Reasons for your Organization, which you can then use when you want to add a debit for an existing bill line item or apply a product debit.

To create a Debit Reason for your Organization:

1. Select Settings>Organization. The Organization page opens with the Overview tab selected.

2. Select the Debit Reasons tab. Any existing Debit Reasons are listed.

3. Select Create Debit Reason. The Create page opens.

4. Under Debit Reason Details, enter a Name and Code.

  • Archived switch? See tip below on this option.

5. Select Create. You are returned to the Debit Reasons tab where the new Debit Reason is listed and will now be available for adding debit line items to bills or applying product debits. See Adding Debit Line Items to Bills.

Tip: Debit Reason is now obsolete? You can edit a Debit Reason at any time and use the switch to Archive it. If you archive a Debit Reason, it will not be available for adding debit line items to bills.

Next: Creating Transaction Types

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