This topic explains how to create Integration Credentials which you can then use to connect your native Paddle Integration Configurations with your Paddle system. See Configuring Paddle Integrations.
Tip: Paddle or Paddle (Sandbox Mode)? The steps to create a Credential for authenticating an integration with your Paddle Sandbox environment are the same, except you'll need to select Paddle (Sandbox Mode) as the destination.
To create Paddle integration Credentials:
1. Select Integrations>Credentials. The Credentials page opens and any existing Credentials are listed.
2. Select Create Integration Credential. The Create page opens at Stage 1: Name the credential.
3. Enter a name in the Name credential panel.
4. Select Next. The page adjusts to show Stage 1 as checked-off and completed and shifts focus to Stage 2: Select entity type.
5. On the Entity Type Settings panel, use the drop-down to select the type of entity:
For example, if the native Integration Configuration you've set up is for sending Bills to Paddle and you want to use this Credential to authenticate the integration, select Bill.
Note: Currently, only Bill is available for selection.
6. Select Next. The page adjusts to show Stage 2 as checked-off and completed and shifts focus to Stage 3: Select destination.
7. On the Destination Settings panel, use the drop-down to select Paddle.
Tip: Paddle Sandbox Environment? Alternatively, select Paddle (Sandbox Mode) if you want to use the Credential to authenticate with your Paddle Sandbox environment.
8. Select Next. The page adjusts to show Stage 3 as checked-off and completed and shifts focus to Stage 4: Authenticate.
9. Under Paddle Connection, enter an Api Key generated in the Paddle Console.
10. Select Create Credential. You are returned to the Credentials page where the new Paddle Credential is listed:
The Credential is now available for connecting your Integration Configuration with Paddle. See Configuring Paddle Integrations>Setting Up Authentication for the Integration.
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